hai semua... ape kabar... hehehe... best2... kali ni nk cte pasal.... buka pose bersame membe2 sekolah dlu... aku jadi agak jealous ble ramzan g buke pose ngn dak2 sek die. bkn pe, aku rase aku lame gak x pnh jmpe dak2 sekolah aku tp bile memandangkan yg aku ni dh berbeza drpd dlu, aku jd agk malu nk jmpe dorg... tp... lame dh x jmpe dorg.. hehehe. ntah igt lg x sorg kat aku (masih berfikir betape semua kenal dgn sore aku yg umpama telan mikrofon tue...) ntah la... blur2 lg la...
byk nye kenangan mase sekolah dulu yg stil ade dalam ingatan ak... hahaha. sape sangka, mse 2 thn 2, mcm2 yg aku lalui. bkn aku je... kami sme... hehehe. kalu ak sorg je, bkn kenangan la jadi nye... sekarang kita hanya mampu mengimbau kembali ape yg pernah berlaku, dan mengharapkan hari ini lbh baik drpd semalam dan esok akan lbh baik drpd hari ini... hargai ape yg kita ade hari ini, supaya kita x menyesal kemudian hari... apabila masa yg sentiase menjaga kepentingan nya sendiri tanpa menunggu kita berlalu... tiada apa yg mampu mengembalikan keadaan yang dah kte lepaskan... namun, setiap yang manis mesti ada pahitnye... tak salah utk kite mengingati yg pahit, atau yg buruk, asalkan, ade sempadan padanya... tiada benda yang sempurna pada kita... cuma, berusahalah untuk ke arah sempurna, bukan hanya mengharap ianya terjadi....
ape yg dh berlaku... sudah berlaku... so... MOVE ON DUDE!
flying without wings... later, this "kertas angin" a.k.a wind papers will fly to you. you... all i need to get me through... i dun know wat will fly to u as i never know wat will depart from my mind to ur eyes... so, wat ever it is... be grateful for wat evr we're having... moved on dude. be happy to paint your next plain-white life to be as colourful as it could be... explore the journey of ur life... u'll b happy then..

Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
mari3... segar dr ladang
disebabkan permntaan zaika a.k.a pongkes yg telah memberi katun chumel berwarne pink kpd aku... oleh itu, aku dengan besar ati nye update la blog ni... hehehehe... its quite some time since i wrote tis flying ~weeee posto... sorry... busy la uriskan hal umah tangga (biase la: umah 2 tgkat)... so... bile ditnye kat zaika... nk tulis pe ni... spt biase, permintaan beliau ialah pasal jiwang karat... tp, bile tnye kat kekasehku, kate nye... cte la pasal convo lalu.. aduyai... convo tu dh lame berlalu syng.. tp boleh la cte sket2... hehehe... jage ati... zaika jgn rso, ati ko pn aku jage... aku de special "poem" utk ko...
18.8.09... adelah tarikh bersejarah buat aku... kalu org dlu2 pgg scroll, aku pgg album. ade tulis UTM kat luarnye, warne pn warne maroon2 gitu... hehehe. kalu ditnye perasaan aku mase tu, aku ckp aku ade mcm2 perasaan mcm warne2 plangi... mane tak nye, suke sbb dh grad... tensen sbb x de keje lg... sedih coz ayah n adk x de... ayah kne teman apin yg de trial UPSR, adk dh kat COLORADO... but anyway, happy coz ramzan de datang ngn ibu, masuk dewan (yg 1 ketika dahulunye pernah jd pentas peragaan tarian zapin aku)... berdebor, takut terjatuh mase nek tangga... hehehehe... mase jalan tu, rase mcm aiskrim paddle pop yg tgh mencair... ala, tgh2 pose ni nk mkn aiskrim plak... =) tp pape pn... thnks a lot kpd semua... sory kpd mereka2 yg x sempat nk jmpe, nk gosip, nk gelak sesame... congrates kpd mereke2 yg grad... hehehe.. tahniah juga kepada diri sendiri (mcm apek ckp mase die gne all acess fasha sandha dlm cte cicakman) hikhikhik*gelak tribute to safwan... hehe
sambil mendengar lagu twinkle away drpd zaika, aku brangan... aku berangan aku bercinta..... eh, bukan aku tgh bercinta ke sekarang.. hahahaha... ok2, spt yg dijanjikan kpd zaika, aku de poem utk die... jp... nk copy... pastu TARAAAAA...
special utk zaika... hehehehe... alangkah indahnye kalu 1 hari nnti aku leh cipta melodi... so then, this words can be thrown as a song... to u... from me... if only... but i couldnt, coz... aku bangku musik, ape2 alat pn x reti men... hahahaha.. so, zaika, ko lagukan lah sendiri...
guess, i'm losing my mood now to jot down any words then.... permisi pak, tumpang pulang... i'll be back...
18.8.09... adelah tarikh bersejarah buat aku... kalu org dlu2 pgg scroll, aku pgg album. ade tulis UTM kat luarnye, warne pn warne maroon2 gitu... hehehe. kalu ditnye perasaan aku mase tu, aku ckp aku ade mcm2 perasaan mcm warne2 plangi... mane tak nye, suke sbb dh grad... tensen sbb x de keje lg... sedih coz ayah n adk x de... ayah kne teman apin yg de trial UPSR, adk dh kat COLORADO... but anyway, happy coz ramzan de datang ngn ibu, masuk dewan (yg 1 ketika dahulunye pernah jd pentas peragaan tarian zapin aku)... berdebor, takut terjatuh mase nek tangga... hehehehe... mase jalan tu, rase mcm aiskrim paddle pop yg tgh mencair... ala, tgh2 pose ni nk mkn aiskrim plak... =) tp pape pn... thnks a lot kpd semua... sory kpd mereka2 yg x sempat nk jmpe, nk gosip, nk gelak sesame... congrates kpd mereke2 yg grad... hehehe.. tahniah juga kepada diri sendiri (mcm apek ckp mase die gne all acess fasha sandha dlm cte cicakman) hikhikhik*gelak tribute to safwan... hehe
sambil mendengar lagu twinkle away drpd zaika, aku brangan... aku berangan aku bercinta..... eh, bukan aku tgh bercinta ke sekarang.. hahahaha... ok2, spt yg dijanjikan kpd zaika, aku de poem utk die... jp... nk copy... pastu TARAAAAA...
Where my heart is…
For someone that I love so much
Even though we’ve been apart
You still part of my soul
I need your existence
No matter where I’m being
You have the soul of me
As you carry it wherever you go
You’re with me
Every single minute
And you are where my heart is…
I have to admit
I hate to be apart
Feeling of falling
Is no different with been apart
We had to be together
As we have what others don’t?
We have our precious gift
You have the answer
As you know where my heart is…
World never resist us
As long as we love each other
Living in world of ours
Expel those bad thoughts
Question of what I am
And what you are
Who are you without me?
And who am I without you
As well as question that lies in you
And the answer is
For someone that I love so much
Even though we’ve been apart
You still part of my soul
I need your existence
No matter where I’m being
You have the soul of me
As you carry it wherever you go
You’re with me
Every single minute
And you are where my heart is…
I have to admit
I hate to be apart
Feeling of falling
Is no different with been apart
We had to be together
As we have what others don’t?
We have our precious gift
You have the answer
As you know where my heart is…
World never resist us
As long as we love each other
Living in world of ours
Expel those bad thoughts
Question of what I am
And what you are
Who are you without me?
And who am I without you
As well as question that lies in you
And the answer is
Only you know where my heart is…
special utk zaika... hehehehe... alangkah indahnye kalu 1 hari nnti aku leh cipta melodi... so then, this words can be thrown as a song... to u... from me... if only... but i couldnt, coz... aku bangku musik, ape2 alat pn x reti men... hahahaha.. so, zaika, ko lagukan lah sendiri...
guess, i'm losing my mood now to jot down any words then.... permisi pak, tumpang pulang... i'll be back...
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