minggu yg PLG hectic.... 4 reports kne siapkan... yet still data masih terumbang ambing di lautan lg... bunyi cam poyo, tp bila mereka keep apologizing about the tasks, aku sengih n in fact, I did thank them for the exposure... thanks a lot guys for giving me the experience and taught me more knowledge. It was really a great experience working with you guys, and is always... guys, exposure cm ni bukan boleh bli kat kedai mak minah... mintak 2 kilo cara nak buat spray dry...
bila la nk start buat report en sepol, rase penat sgt ari ni....
flying without wings... later, this "kertas angin" a.k.a wind papers will fly to you. you... all i need to get me through... i dun know wat will fly to u as i never know wat will depart from my mind to ur eyes... so, wat ever it is... be grateful for wat evr we're having... moved on dude. be happy to paint your next plain-white life to be as colourful as it could be... explore the journey of ur life... u'll b happy then..

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Yesterday is history
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift! SNM dh tdo rasa nya... Terima kasih Ya Allah di atas hadiah yang kau kurniakan ini. I am so grateful for what I have. It will always be the greatest gift, besides my loving family, faithful friends... discovering my soulmate being the most interesting yet adventurous journey in my life... Thank you, Allah.
He read my tiny little yellow book. happen to be, i had wrote something that was specially dedicated to him! and i did mention him as SNM as i jotted the words. i cried not because of the shyness, i cried because... he smiled at me, and his face was still in shocked+blessed+hounoured! as far I could remember, it was one of the precious moment of us, ever! i couldn't imagine more, the expression on his face and I know, i had make him a day, that day.... smile sayang, I know its from you heart!
He read my tiny little yellow book. happen to be, i had wrote something that was specially dedicated to him! and i did mention him as SNM as i jotted the words. i cried not because of the shyness, i cried because... he smiled at me, and his face was still in shocked+blessed+hounoured! as far I could remember, it was one of the precious moment of us, ever! i couldn't imagine more, the expression on his face and I know, i had make him a day, that day.... smile sayang, I know its from you heart!
Monday, November 11, 2013
status berubah (2/3)
Since awal bulan 3 hari tu, status berubah 1/3... but, pada awal Nov tu, status aku berubah lg kepada 2/3. Alhamdulillah. :)
aku tertarik dengan caption Lan kt IG beliau... "mak gua dh cop die utk gua!" pinjam Lan, caption ko... :) :) :) semua nya berjalan lancar, despite semua dugaan yang berlaku sebelum kejadian bersejarah tu berlangsung, kita HADAPI dengan senyuman je. bukan ke seronok dpt kenal keluarga lain, lg seronok bila 2 keluarga dapat merge together! ber-ronok-ronok la family2 ini bila bertemu (ayt skema, sebab gembira-eh, ade kaitan ke?)
kini, semua nya perlu dizahirkan kepada kertas perancangan agar pelaksanaan nya dapat diimplentasikan... (sumpah, aku semakin suka eksploitasi bahasa dengan tatabahasa yang tinggi maknanya)... kalau g umah aku sekarang, akde satu kertas a4 putih yang dah dilipat 4 utk part Dadak, Ayah, Ibu, dll (merangkum Adik sebenarnya) haha. semalam bermula adegan perbincangan meja lonjon (ala, kat meja makan biase tu) baru wat draft costing utk sepanjang majlis nanti... gua yg old skool ni mmg la pakai pen n kertas wat mind-map, tapi ayah dgn spread sheet excel nya tak dapat dipisahkan! well, Ibu sentiasa menjadi most active participant sbb DHA ibu slalu berhubung, walaupun kurang glanglioksioda (sebenarnya Ibu sgt suka tnya soalan). harap2 kertas tu ibu tak buang, sbb kalau ibu buang, abs la "Proposal Perkahwinan Ainaa Abdul Kahar" tu. haha
dh start kne gigih Diet seimbang & kumpul dana ni! harap dpt kurus dan menawan, sbb nk pki baju cantik nnti (fantasi gle!)
aku tertarik dengan caption Lan kt IG beliau... "mak gua dh cop die utk gua!" pinjam Lan, caption ko... :) :) :) semua nya berjalan lancar, despite semua dugaan yang berlaku sebelum kejadian bersejarah tu berlangsung, kita HADAPI dengan senyuman je. bukan ke seronok dpt kenal keluarga lain, lg seronok bila 2 keluarga dapat merge together! ber-ronok-ronok la family2 ini bila bertemu (ayt skema, sebab gembira-eh, ade kaitan ke?)
kini, semua nya perlu dizahirkan kepada kertas perancangan agar pelaksanaan nya dapat diimplentasikan... (sumpah, aku semakin suka eksploitasi bahasa dengan tatabahasa yang tinggi maknanya)... kalau g umah aku sekarang, akde satu kertas a4 putih yang dah dilipat 4 utk part Dadak, Ayah, Ibu, dll (merangkum Adik sebenarnya) haha. semalam bermula adegan perbincangan meja lonjon (ala, kat meja makan biase tu) baru wat draft costing utk sepanjang majlis nanti... gua yg old skool ni mmg la pakai pen n kertas wat mind-map, tapi ayah dgn spread sheet excel nya tak dapat dipisahkan! well, Ibu sentiasa menjadi most active participant sbb DHA ibu slalu berhubung, walaupun kurang glanglioksioda (sebenarnya Ibu sgt suka tnya soalan). harap2 kertas tu ibu tak buang, sbb kalau ibu buang, abs la "Proposal Perkahwinan Ainaa Abdul Kahar" tu. haha
dh start kne gigih Diet seimbang & kumpul dana ni! harap dpt kurus dan menawan, sbb nk pki baju cantik nnti (fantasi gle!)
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