gambar, video semua pn dah dapat.
Tq to edy & zaiful for helping us to capture the beautiful moments of our day. you guys was so talented. the pictures were tremendously beautiful and i still cannot believe i am that gorgeous on the day :)
so, i highly recommend uolss (for those still looking for official photographer & videographer) to try from zaid dong & zaiful de'szast...
p/s: syah ckp, gambar yang dh jadi cm kahwin kat hotel je gaya nya... (bukan mmg ke?) huahuahua
flying without wings... later, this "kertas angin" a.k.a wind papers will fly to you. you... all i need to get me through... i dun know wat will fly to u as i never know wat will depart from my mind to ur eyes... so, wat ever it is... be grateful for wat evr we're having... moved on dude. be happy to paint your next plain-white life to be as colourful as it could be... explore the journey of ur life... u'll b happy then..

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
transition phase
Alhamdulillah syukur... semua nya berjalan dengan lancar. despite all the imperfections, afterall, we only human. chewah, kemain ko bermadah helah disini. Selamat menjadi puan kepada diri sendiri. now ada lebih banyak hati perlu dijaga... dan semoga Allah mengurniakan maturities kepada kami dalam mengendalikn urusan ini.
sebak... lebih kepada lega. (jujur sgt ke statement ni?) mungkin jugak sebab bila lupa pakai cincin kawin pun dh tarik muka, ampun kn sy pakcik... sy masih dalam probation period. but i will try my best to be the very best wife for you, the very best daughter in law for your parents and sister in law to your siblings.
tq to all for the dua, wishes and thoughts that only Allah would pay. May Allah our ease our business and grant us Jannah. InsyaAllah. Tq for realizing the wedding plans and tq for all the support, commitments and gifts. Your efforts were highly appreciated and no other words can describe our gratitude.
And for you, thanks for marrying me. thanks for choosing me as your wife, your best friend and most importantly thank you for accepting me as part of your life. May Allah grant us his Jannah, love and forgiveness. i love you with all of my heart till the end of time....
p/s: lagu tema yang bermain di fikiran adalah: ... (rahsia)
sebak... lebih kepada lega. (jujur sgt ke statement ni?) mungkin jugak sebab bila lupa pakai cincin kawin pun dh tarik muka, ampun kn sy pakcik... sy masih dalam probation period. but i will try my best to be the very best wife for you, the very best daughter in law for your parents and sister in law to your siblings.
tq to all for the dua, wishes and thoughts that only Allah would pay. May Allah our ease our business and grant us Jannah. InsyaAllah. Tq for realizing the wedding plans and tq for all the support, commitments and gifts. Your efforts were highly appreciated and no other words can describe our gratitude.
And for you, thanks for marrying me. thanks for choosing me as your wife, your best friend and most importantly thank you for accepting me as part of your life. May Allah grant us his Jannah, love and forgiveness. i love you with all of my heart till the end of time....
p/s: lagu tema yang bermain di fikiran adalah: ... (rahsia)
Friday, August 8, 2014
15 days to go!
only 2 weeks left and there are still so much things to be settled. boleh plak tgk kalut malut ni aku emosi pasal cerita jauh dari cinta... aku rasa macam nak marah kat heroin tu walaupun aku rase aku pun akan buat bde yang sama.
p/s: lagu tema dia pun buat gua tacing...
p/s: lagu tema dia pun buat gua tacing...
Monday, June 30, 2014
55 days to go
55 days before we tied the knot....
pasang lagu Sedetik Lebih...
lipat kad yang dh siap 2 minggu lepas...
list out guests dr Office, SKBians, office mates lama...
print list names and potong and tampal kat envelope...
order cokelat drpd Anas....
p/s: yang penting, petang ni nk jumpa Amna... auntie rindu ngn amna... :)
p/s/s: agak kerinting rambut memikirkan monitoring nk buat just few days before the Day! berusaha!
pasang lagu Sedetik Lebih...
lipat kad yang dh siap 2 minggu lepas...
list out guests dr Office, SKBians, office mates lama...
print list names and potong and tampal kat envelope...
order cokelat drpd Anas....
p/s: yang penting, petang ni nk jumpa Amna... auntie rindu ngn amna... :)
p/s/s: agak kerinting rambut memikirkan monitoring nk buat just few days before the Day! berusaha!
Monday, March 17, 2014
fragile heart
aku confuse betul dgn diri sendiri... hati fragile gle.. rasa teruk sgt, and the most terrible part is, SNM has to deal with all the emotional failure aku... gle kesian, but what else should i do? i'm sorry sayang for being the most jerk this 2, 3 days...
sambil nk tulis post ni pn blh mau melalak. ntah species ke musim kememeh kau ni...
sambil nk tulis post ni pn blh mau melalak. ntah species ke musim kememeh kau ni...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Sunday, February 2, 2014
200 days
more or less, lebih kurang tu la hari sebelum hari big day tu! masa ni sibuk la nak google mana2 kedai butik mantin yang tak dicriminate org gemok gedempol cm aku... walau mcam mana pn, niat nak kurus sket tu mmg ade... ibu dh bising serupa makcik kungfu hustle tu suh kurus.. tekad! petang ni lari 5 km ats treadmill... huaaa... pnt2... (padahal br blk dr beraya umah Karen, mkn kfc n cake birthday!)
boleh tak nak cakap, x tahu nak mula dripada mana! venue & catering dh settle (Alhamdulillah)... igt someone pernah cakap, kita nak buat bde baik, Allah akan mudahkan urusan kita... yakin! positif! dan sebab tu aku rasa yang lain tu mcm payah n tak fall into the pathway... Setiap perkara yang berlaku, ade hikmahnya...
ok2, ibu n ayah dah settle senarai jemputan, now it's my turn kawan2... hehe... sambil survey2 kad idaman malaya.... sambil ricky2 pelamin n baju besar yang available! awww... no i can see some lights penetrating on me... (abaikn ayt padaiyappa ini)... so for now, kne settle kn bde yg besar2...
at first, x de la gelabah sbb pk cm lama lg... tp tetibe pk, 6 bulan? terus gelabah tak tentu pasal... padahal, kalau lek je, lg senang settle... biase la, kalu malut lalut! gitu la die...
nak g tgk baju kat diana bridal... tapi sapa nak teman? pakcik gemok tu? ke ibu? hehe
boleh tak nak cakap, x tahu nak mula dripada mana! venue & catering dh settle (Alhamdulillah)... igt someone pernah cakap, kita nak buat bde baik, Allah akan mudahkan urusan kita... yakin! positif! dan sebab tu aku rasa yang lain tu mcm payah n tak fall into the pathway... Setiap perkara yang berlaku, ade hikmahnya...
ok2, ibu n ayah dah settle senarai jemputan, now it's my turn kawan2... hehe... sambil survey2 kad idaman malaya.... sambil ricky2 pelamin n baju besar yang available! awww... no i can see some lights penetrating on me... (abaikn ayt padaiyappa ini)... so for now, kne settle kn bde yg besar2...
at first, x de la gelabah sbb pk cm lama lg... tp tetibe pk, 6 bulan? terus gelabah tak tentu pasal... padahal, kalau lek je, lg senang settle... biase la, kalu malut lalut! gitu la die...
nak g tgk baju kat diana bridal... tapi sapa nak teman? pakcik gemok tu? ke ibu? hehe
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Penang Again
Bukan gua. kalau gua, mau melompat kegirangan sebab dapat borong jeruk pak ali. hahaha.. tapi beliau yang di.. org yg dh chop gua tu... (rupanya itulah status gua sekarang ni... whatever pun, not available dh lg kn?)
padahal pergi tak sampai 100 jam pn... kecoh jugak la minah kememeh ni.. mula la medula oblongata ni merungkai semua joget kenangan manis... haha... nak buat macam mana. angau! (pull stop)
p/s: safe journey yang...
padahal pergi tak sampai 100 jam pn... kecoh jugak la minah kememeh ni.. mula la medula oblongata ni merungkai semua joget kenangan manis... haha... nak buat macam mana. angau! (pull stop)
p/s: safe journey yang...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Tudung hitam
Ade satu perasaan yang indescribable bila pakai tudung hitam... mungkin sebab muka besar atau sebab muka gemok... tapi itu la perasaan bercampur baur yang muncul acap kali pakai tudung hitam...
2014... new year...
ok, masuk tahun baru lagi... Year 2014... ade mission besar yang perlu dilaksanakan... wish me luck... semoga segala urusan dipermudahkanNya...
resolutions for 2014? hurm,. let me think first... Nak pergi MAHA 2014 dgn yg tersayang... (boleh kira 2014 resolution tak?) tak boleh pn AAK? hahaha why bother bak kata azwan ali...
of course la menjadi manusia, anak, kakak, pekerja, kawan, jiran yang lebih baik daripada sebelum ini (sama macam tahun2 lepas)...
CUMA yang bezanya tahun 2014 ni, ade beberapa perkara yang tak ada masa 2013 dulu...
Perubahan 1: Jadi Bos (tahun ni ade staf dh... yg best dapat staf plg senior, assign kepada yang paling junior..) walhal ade sorang je staf (compare kat tempat keje lame, ade 35 org staf)...
Perubahan 2: Jadi ehem2.... (dulu 0/3, upgrade status jadi 1/3, pastu 2/3)
resolutions for 2014? hurm,. let me think first... Nak pergi MAHA 2014 dgn yg tersayang... (boleh kira 2014 resolution tak?) tak boleh pn AAK? hahaha why bother bak kata azwan ali...
of course la menjadi manusia, anak, kakak, pekerja, kawan, jiran yang lebih baik daripada sebelum ini (sama macam tahun2 lepas)...
CUMA yang bezanya tahun 2014 ni, ade beberapa perkara yang tak ada masa 2013 dulu...
Perubahan 1: Jadi Bos (tahun ni ade staf dh... yg best dapat staf plg senior, assign kepada yang paling junior..) walhal ade sorang je staf (compare kat tempat keje lame, ade 35 org staf)...
Perubahan 2: Jadi ehem2.... (dulu 0/3, upgrade status jadi 1/3, pastu 2/3)
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