aku keliru, buntu n bingung. KBB.. mane taknye, ade la seorg membe aku (ak rase zaika je tau cte ni).. boleh la kate kawan.. ok, fine! kawan aku.. lame dh kami berkawan, then lost contact, then contact smla, then lost contact, then contact smla.. then, smpi ke ari ni, masih contact lg. huuuu. the main story nye, christmas eve ari tu, die blk kampung frm KL. n of course la, MALAM.. die tertido mase bwk kete, n langgar divider jalan. n mase tu die laku katenye (lbh kurg 150 km/h). begitulah berlakunya accident yg telah menyebabkan sebelah kanan kereta die yg die br bli x smpi sebulan tu seriously calar n dented (kalu kat kilang dlu kite kate dented n kizu-hahaha) back to our story. selepas beberape jam kejadian tu berlaku, si dia meng'ym' aku.actually aku yg tegur die dlu. hehe. die pn menjawab bahawa beliau dalam kesedihan... :( huuu. pastu, aku dgn hati yg tenang, pn menjawab, oo.. ok.. come on, wat else do u expect from me? b4 b4 ni pn, bile awak tgh sedih, sy tnye, n ur fav answer would be "i'm really not in the mood now" pergh, sedh tol sy. so, tetibe time tu awk nk blame sy for not being so concern, i guess u're a bit wrong. n even, x sempat lg sy nk tnye nape... awk accused sy dgn mcm2 kate2 yg menyebabkan ati sy..... terguris luka. huuu.. emotional plak!. tp pastu thanks for giving me another chance to ask. tp awk mule lg.. dlm ym, cm ne la awk nk tau expression sy.. awk kate sy x terkejut. rase cm nk wat sujud syukur time2 gak sbb awk x pape dlm accident tu. huuu... nape, org cm sy ni x leh act cool ke? when it come to certain circumtances, 'act cool' is the best wisdom (ntah pape je kate2 aku ni-tp le tahan gak.. hehe) so, sorry if u expect me to be shocked more than i behave that nite, n bersykur sgt awk x pape... i guessed we're not meant to be as we were before... n congratulation on ur new relationship. officially now, u're off the market.. (tu kate awk la)..
enough bout him, heheh.. so, hujung mggu yg agak tipikal. tinggal sorg kat umah... memegang beberape position kat umah mule dgn maid, sbb kemas umah, basuh bilik air X 2, n masak mknn sendiri... then bos kat umah sbb lepak depan TV jer, tgk movie kat 411, 412, 413 n kadang2 kat AXN n HAllmark pn de cte lame2. hehehe. so, wat to say, i'm a very sophisticated career woman, yg kadang2 rase cm nk melompat2 atas katil je sbb terlalu bosan.. hahaha. nk aku bgtau ke yg aku dh tgk cte 'holiday in handcuffs n another cinderella story' lebih 3 kali.. hahaha. kalu zaika tau mesti die ngamuk sbb aku tgk cte byk kali. hahha. mcm aku tgk cte los n faun n ponti byk kali dlu, punye ngamuk minah ni, hahaha. rindu r kot ko zaika. rindu gak kat yg len.
bile bosan cm ni, rase rindu ngn kawan2, x kire la mane2 pn. kat musuh pn rindu gak (tp ade ke musuh.. mesti r ade... ) huuuu.. tp aku yg pasti x rindu musuh no. 1 negara... DADAH.. nk wat pe rindu kat dadah. x de maknenye. hehehe. x sabar nk tggu thn baru ni... hehehe. byk sebabnye,
- sbb Birthday aku la (of course)~lalalalalalala (*perasan)
- sbb bile dh 2010, maknenye thn depan 2011.. and... hehehe
- sbb tahun br, dapat calendar baru..
- sbb mesti ade movie baru
- sbb aku dh 22 thn nnti (mane tak nye, bile aku cakap 21, org pndg aku ni 12 je-walapun badan aku x sebegitu)
p.s: sy x marah awk pn.. hehehe. sj je nk tulis... lepas geram
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