title post ni adalah sgt mempengaruhi kadar kemengantukan ak sekarang. mana taknya, tggl sorg dlm bilik ni (walaupun boleh dgr sore pakcik daripada sebelah dinding) plus ak dh kenyg (walaupun mknn kt bangi kopitiam td x sesedap mana, tp roti bakar best!) plus ak mmg ngntok sbb x cukup tdo (walaupun tdo awal gle cm bayi smlm)... hahahaha.. byk gle walaupun..
i spoke to nadey yesterday... Allah je yang tahu betapa aku rindu ko nadey. miss u a lot bebeh! haha. jgn la asyik masak sambal je weh, buasir laki ko nnti. dh segala macam sambal ko masak, ble nk masak gulai ke, asam pedas ke, kari ke. hahaha... but nadey, i still cant believe u're married... seriously beb. kalau suh ak tutup mata, lom pasti ak dapat bayangkan cm ne ko manage hal rumah tangga. haaha. she's going back to KL this coming january 5th. so, kne la jumpa sbb nk kena pulang lamp shade makhluk tersebut. (which is yang kalau boleh, i dont wanna get involved). tp sbb ko nadey, ak ok je. haha
esok nak g tgk awien tunang. awww, another kawan to earn 'congratulation on ur engagement' = 'goodbye my friend, hav a happy married life'... jgn risau, aku dh belikn mak ko buah tangan... dalam kotak, berkeping2.. jawapannya, biskot agrobazaar. well, kne la support barang buatan malaysia. hahaha... biskot buatan malaysia, air buatan malaysia, cte buatan malaysia dan orang buatan malaysia. haha.. (that sounds really weird, yek). InsyaAllah nk kne gerak pas subuh sok, n balik, dayah nk tumpang den ni ha. penat kecek bapak nye kereta, AKHIRNYA, dapat jugak. hahaha... so kne pki baju itam, kasut itam, tudung itam sempena kereta sok. hahahaha..
p/s: i = clear water no buaya of what had happened.
u = better watch out!
flying without wings... later, this "kertas angin" a.k.a wind papers will fly to you. you... all i need to get me through... i dun know wat will fly to u as i never know wat will depart from my mind to ur eyes... so, wat ever it is... be grateful for wat evr we're having... moved on dude. be happy to paint your next plain-white life to be as colourful as it could be... explore the journey of ur life... u'll b happy then..

Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
kesabaran itu membuah kn hasil
sila rujuk title post ini.. itulah kata org, sabar itu indah... kn kn kn? indahnya tak siapa yang tahu. precious gift of all, to be patient, then rewarded by the effort. adus, (ayat padayappa)...
so kne nyanyi lagu sesaat kau datang tanpa henti la ni... aishhh...
so kne nyanyi lagu sesaat kau datang tanpa henti la ni... aishhh...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
just wave and smile
Quote daripada Penguin Madagascar... Pesanan terakhir (wat setakat ni), memandangkan ade org tu emosi ari tu. hahaha.. Bila fikir semula, sanggup ko kaco org kul 3 pg aina, semata nk dgr cte tragis ko yg sedih sgt tu... harap2 dh insaf n tak wat lg...
people losing their abilities to think while talking. ak agree, sbb sometime, we'll never know what is the feedback, interpretation can be misjudged. ye la, mane tak nya, a word can be defined in thousands meaning. tu baru 'a word', belum defined in different intonations. so, think before you talk! not just only think before u throw, but u have to think to speak! (amaran keras kepada diri sendiri jugak ni)
and that quote did make me smile again... awwww.. (budget cte hallmark, yg jiwang2 slalu 2 jam tu). and cerita 'a bride for christmas' agak best la. haha. boleh re-make kepada 'a bride for eid fitr'... cam set KPI je kak. haha. thanks to people who always understand me from the inside.
p.s: there will always a place for u in my heart... promise.
people losing their abilities to think while talking. ak agree, sbb sometime, we'll never know what is the feedback, interpretation can be misjudged. ye la, mane tak nya, a word can be defined in thousands meaning. tu baru 'a word', belum defined in different intonations. so, think before you talk! not just only think before u throw, but u have to think to speak! (amaran keras kepada diri sendiri jugak ni)
and that quote did make me smile again... awwww.. (budget cte hallmark, yg jiwang2 slalu 2 jam tu). and cerita 'a bride for christmas' agak best la. haha. boleh re-make kepada 'a bride for eid fitr'... cam set KPI je kak. haha. thanks to people who always understand me from the inside.
p.s: there will always a place for u in my heart... promise.
cinderella dh bertukar
finally, the time has come. i know very well the time will be here. in front of my eyes...
no more 'u too' and no more response then. and everything seems like history... achewah. konon berfalsafah ainaa. sedar diri semula. oh, cinderella yang lama dah tak de. oh, tringat post ari tu, pasal resolution 2012. well... byk yg tak tercapai sebab, mcm2 la. (kalau list sini, mau cramp jemari yg pakai cincin baru ni nnti)...
tadi ada knduri ka umah mak... tahniah hanna dah khatam al-quran. tahniah abg lan & kak lin and abg gigi & kak anna di atas baby baru... haifa n alif. nnti masuk sekolah same2 k. hehehe.. food was marvellous. (pernah ke wat kat umah mak tp mknn x marvellous) haha. oh, the most fav part wat the choc fountain. hahahahaha... it was my 1st attempt to cook chocolate for the fountain. haha. thanks cik ta for the tiramisu. super sedap. :)
boleh ubat hati yg luka ni dgn cte HKLBR? let me try, n i'll let u knw the result later.
Monday, December 24, 2012
big bang time!!!
haha... this is not big bang KPOP... but this is big bang theory. and now i can be with my sheldon cooper again! hahaha.. what i love most about this series is i kept laughing almost every minute of the show. fuh, kemain ko review minah. cm mak cik ping pang pek pot. hahaha.
introduced by my officemate, the series mmg sgt mempengaruhi ak since then. membuatkan aku terpikir, adakah aku sheldon cooper version pompuan melayu sbb ak sgt mengaitkan dan merungkai theory or principle physic sehingga ke akar umbi?? (abaikan)
now, series 6, n rasa cm nk ngs ble tgk untuk setiap episod. beliau ade la suh ak tgk, sbb beliau tgh tgk (ni msg 2 mlm lepas la), dgn tenang aku jawab ak x de supply.. sbb supplier cte outstation g conference... actually, i am not malas, i just dont know how-JUJUR! haha. but now, boleh layan dh, sbb dh disedut drpd supplier berwibawa, bersama beberapa cerita yg direkomen.
cm ne la nk jd bijak bestari cm sheldon cooper... epic! (aduh, boleh tak sheldon cooper ni replace ngn org len sehingga beliau kembali normal drpd angin monsoon timur laut... haish...)
introduced by my officemate, the series mmg sgt mempengaruhi ak since then. membuatkan aku terpikir, adakah aku sheldon cooper version pompuan melayu sbb ak sgt mengaitkan dan merungkai theory or principle physic sehingga ke akar umbi?? (abaikan)
now, series 6, n rasa cm nk ngs ble tgk untuk setiap episod. beliau ade la suh ak tgk, sbb beliau tgh tgk (ni msg 2 mlm lepas la), dgn tenang aku jawab ak x de supply.. sbb supplier cte outstation g conference... actually, i am not malas, i just dont know how-JUJUR! haha. but now, boleh layan dh, sbb dh disedut drpd supplier berwibawa, bersama beberapa cerita yg direkomen.
cm ne la nk jd bijak bestari cm sheldon cooper... epic! (aduh, boleh tak sheldon cooper ni replace ngn org len sehingga beliau kembali normal drpd angin monsoon timur laut... haish...)
Nadey's Wedding
(tukang tangkap gambar... Amir)
beratur cam datang beraya je. :)
together with bride of the day. we love u very strong, nadey...
*safwan plg semngat sbb pki baju melayu
bride & groom :)
*nadey, u look really gorgeous in ur Rozita che wan's-inspired-dress :)
kek anis wat n red velvet cupcakes too... yummy
curi2 amek gambar ni... walaupun tariq usha org yg amek gambar ni. hahaha...
the ONLY gambar with nadey in purple dress. aishhh..
*hebat sgt photographer tu..
introducing, safwan carey.. hihi
i really like dis pic :)
air mata gembira dr kawan kepada kawan (ok nyanyi lagu tema sekarang, eh ade ke??)
from this moment bermain di otak fikiran sebaik tgk gambar ni... awww so sweet.
this is a very serious conversation between two adults (oh really??)
shimi worked really hard to wrap the wedding gift (round of applause to her)
mampu la bertahan for 3 days wallpaper ni kt hp shimi...
pengantin ok.. berdebar... tenang saja...
yg x ok ialah objek legap merah yg kne pgg kipas n span foundation tu.. aishhh...
happy on besties wedding...
we lurve you very much nadey... truly manly deeply :)
bla tak de org, kami ske tgkap gambar, ade org pn kami suka juga... :)
hantaran from her to him... acece.. hasil kerja mereka2 yg merah pakaiannya diatas.
(Good job, people!)
Books mania on Friday night
ok, cry me a river tgk buku2 kt Big Bad Wolf... banyak gile n super murah. (kenapa gaya ckp ni cam boleh imagine je ek) hahaha.. lantak lah. yg ptg, gembira!!!... strategy yg sgt mengena sbb paksa ayah n apin bawak beg bertroli. (oh wonder, ble die nk g India lg sbb beliau mahu tlg den beli kn bag samsonite, n if he did ask for the colour, i would answer... "surprise me..." hahaha-padan muka sape suh jawab cm tu time air strawberry vs air pepsi dulu)... ok let's get back to the business bebeh....
pening gak blikn buku utk org lain ni... lg2 bile org tu x specific nk buku ape... or minat ape. (sbb br nk start katanya).. better late than never dude!. haha.. x pe2, org nk mula bde baik, kita kne bg sport. haha. (gaya wan maimunah dalam cte cinta luar biasa) ape la asyik menyimpang dr tujuan asal je post ni... hahaha...
ok... buku yg telah dibeli ialah buku berkisar, horror, crime, bunuh, law dll genre except ROMANCE... adui, ainaa adakah sudah berubah??? hehehe.. tidak semestinya tidak membaca romance, aina sudah berubah. mungkin BBW yg dulu telah didedikasi kepada genre romance, so kita fair n square la ye... kepada yg lain2 plak. hehe.. next year, back to romance again ok? so menjawab soalan, buku national geographic, what's inside the big giant and an apple a day dibelikan untuk beliau. hopefully beliau menerima. (kerana buku pilihan beliau encyclopedia/atlas/trivia/fact of the day TIADA- perasan tak pilihan beliau adalah sejajar ngn pilihan perempuan gemok dihujung jalan surada 2 tu...)
pokok nya: bila nk baca buku2 tersebut, entah...
pening gak blikn buku utk org lain ni... lg2 bile org tu x specific nk buku ape... or minat ape. (sbb br nk start katanya).. better late than never dude!. haha.. x pe2, org nk mula bde baik, kita kne bg sport. haha. (gaya wan maimunah dalam cte cinta luar biasa) ape la asyik menyimpang dr tujuan asal je post ni... hahaha...
ok... buku yg telah dibeli ialah buku berkisar, horror, crime, bunuh, law dll genre except ROMANCE... adui, ainaa adakah sudah berubah??? hehehe.. tidak semestinya tidak membaca romance, aina sudah berubah. mungkin BBW yg dulu telah didedikasi kepada genre romance, so kita fair n square la ye... kepada yg lain2 plak. hehe.. next year, back to romance again ok? so menjawab soalan, buku national geographic, what's inside the big giant and an apple a day dibelikan untuk beliau. hopefully beliau menerima. (kerana buku pilihan beliau encyclopedia/atlas/trivia/fact of the day TIADA- perasan tak pilihan beliau adalah sejajar ngn pilihan perempuan gemok dihujung jalan surada 2 tu...)
pokok nya: bila nk baca buku2 tersebut, entah...
Sunday, December 23, 2012
dropbox cool :)
a friend of mine ajar guna Dropbox! n it was super cool. we can sharing docs, pics, and everything in Dropbox. hehe..
rase mangkuk hayun gak nk kne wat manual, g jmpe die, bg pendrive, pastu masuk kn, the cucuk pendrive, save dlm comp. hahahaha
cuma bile guna dropbox, chances utk jmpe org kurang la. haha (off record, this is totally embarrassing statement) i dont believe i say this.
oh, x lupa yang bestnya, org tu lupa nk delete gambar AMS die, so masuk skali la ngn mangkuk jamban, bath tub, katil n poori for lunch beliau n the best pic is... castle at night with shinning lights in AMS. haha. lg best, die x tau pn yg aku dapat gambar2 tersebut. or die tau, n sengaja? or die mlas nk amek tau (this really sound like him... MALAS) haha
anyway, TQ so much for the introductory lesson.. achewah. n i found this really helpful, so rekomen la cik kiah kepada kawan2 kt opis. :)
nota kaki: flying over the world doesnt guarantee your heart fall for other world. (pedulikan statement padayappa ini, mekaseh)
rase mangkuk hayun gak nk kne wat manual, g jmpe die, bg pendrive, pastu masuk kn, the cucuk pendrive, save dlm comp. hahahaha
cuma bile guna dropbox, chances utk jmpe org kurang la. haha (off record, this is totally embarrassing statement) i dont believe i say this.
oh, x lupa yang bestnya, org tu lupa nk delete gambar AMS die, so masuk skali la ngn mangkuk jamban, bath tub, katil n poori for lunch beliau n the best pic is... castle at night with shinning lights in AMS. haha. lg best, die x tau pn yg aku dapat gambar2 tersebut. or die tau, n sengaja? or die mlas nk amek tau (this really sound like him... MALAS) haha
anyway, TQ so much for the introductory lesson.. achewah. n i found this really helpful, so rekomen la cik kiah kepada kawan2 kt opis. :)
nota kaki: flying over the world doesnt guarantee your heart fall for other world. (pedulikan statement padayappa ini, mekaseh)
Drops of jupiter!!!
Hi all,
Less workload for this week, since it's a holiday week... so, more time to write on this kertas. updates for last week events...
1. Nothing much happened, it's just conflict between a very GOOD friend of mine with his very GOOD friend (happen to be my GOOD friend too). My days were full with the aduan and kaunter did opens 24 hours sbb ikut waktu sharjah la, dubai la, amsterdam la n back to KL again. hehe. i am glad (not because u're in the conflict) but u did turn to me for my ears... chewah. gedik2 ayam berangan. but i did my job very well kn? haha. only him knows the answer. i really hope that u will solve the problem, eventually... In shaa Allah.
2. Interior design with a very GOOD friend of mine, virtually... haha. we did exchange ideas, opinion n our taste of decorating. haha. nk letak gambar la, nk beli perabot n sofa la, nk g IKEA la... nk pilih natural colour, wit a lil bit touch of this n that colour... awww, now i discover myself into interior designing very much. Cant wait for the next IKEA shopping.. ni adalah kenyataan ala2 serena van der woodsen sebab duit bukan la banyak sgt. hhuhuhu
3. kenduri kawen... again. ish, cm x baik ckp ni kn. ops! ok tarik balik. ikut ayah n ibu g kenduri kawen. smlm Fair n Square sbb mula2 g invi IBU's, then AYAH's... n mase g kt tempat jemputan kt Pakcik Om, jmpa la ank kawan ayah yang sgt la cm Biena (grad US, n we can talk almost about everything)... Dear,Atiah, boleh kita apply keje tmpt awk? ehehe...
4. SKT dh antar, n dh tau dh bos dh baca... sbb boleh lupa SIGN kt page yg last tu... bijak aina, next job. sure ko kne sound harimau ngn bos. hukhukhuk... Back-up PA bos mmg terbaik, maafkn saja kerana budak br setahun. hahaha.. first time kne nilai ni.. ahhh scary gle... tp muka rilex, sbb wat SKT dlm mase sehari. well, itulah kelebihan mggunakan log book. :) so tgu je la turn nk hadap bos. n sila la mula wat SKT 2013 ainaa... Jgn nk ngade2 wat last minute....
dats all for now.. akhir kata dripada sy... is the title of the post related to its content?
Less workload for this week, since it's a holiday week... so, more time to write on this kertas. updates for last week events...
1. Nothing much happened, it's just conflict between a very GOOD friend of mine with his very GOOD friend (happen to be my GOOD friend too). My days were full with the aduan and kaunter did opens 24 hours sbb ikut waktu sharjah la, dubai la, amsterdam la n back to KL again. hehe. i am glad (not because u're in the conflict) but u did turn to me for my ears... chewah. gedik2 ayam berangan. but i did my job very well kn? haha. only him knows the answer. i really hope that u will solve the problem, eventually... In shaa Allah.
2. Interior design with a very GOOD friend of mine, virtually... haha. we did exchange ideas, opinion n our taste of decorating. haha. nk letak gambar la, nk beli perabot n sofa la, nk g IKEA la... nk pilih natural colour, wit a lil bit touch of this n that colour... awww, now i discover myself into interior designing very much. Cant wait for the next IKEA shopping.. ni adalah kenyataan ala2 serena van der woodsen sebab duit bukan la banyak sgt. hhuhuhu
3. kenduri kawen... again. ish, cm x baik ckp ni kn. ops! ok tarik balik. ikut ayah n ibu g kenduri kawen. smlm Fair n Square sbb mula2 g invi IBU's, then AYAH's... n mase g kt tempat jemputan kt Pakcik Om, jmpa la ank kawan ayah yang sgt la cm Biena (grad US, n we can talk almost about everything)... Dear,Atiah, boleh kita apply keje tmpt awk? ehehe...
4. SKT dh antar, n dh tau dh bos dh baca... sbb boleh lupa SIGN kt page yg last tu... bijak aina, next job. sure ko kne sound harimau ngn bos. hukhukhuk... Back-up PA bos mmg terbaik, maafkn saja kerana budak br setahun. hahaha.. first time kne nilai ni.. ahhh scary gle... tp muka rilex, sbb wat SKT dlm mase sehari. well, itulah kelebihan mggunakan log book. :) so tgu je la turn nk hadap bos. n sila la mula wat SKT 2013 ainaa... Jgn nk ngade2 wat last minute....
dats all for now.. akhir kata dripada sy... is the title of the post related to its content?
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Ini adalah percubaan pertama untuk copy directly gambar from photo stream/photo albun ipad ni ke dlm blog ini... Sila kagum dgn kegigihan sy.. Haha...
Big plan for May 2013
Dear all,
Its been a time since i wrote somthing on this little paper... Bz la konon... Hehehe... Ayat budget retis gitu. Well u knw me kn, kalau x ckp ala2 gaya org glamor, x de la smpi blh built up personality cenggini kn... Haha
Wedding nadey on 8th, g hang out with da girls on 9th and a very unforgotten day on 10th....
1. Wedding nadey, oh my god, even writing up this few words, make me feel so touched (this feeling still make me feel like crying- sbb?? Entah, mungkin happy n plus we were about losing some1 that are very close to us) literally, bukan lost cm ke dunia lain, but we have to admit that her life has changed, and new commitment in da house bebeh! Anyway, i am really proud of u, congratulations on your wedding and may ur life blessed with lots of love (and kids too) InsyaAllah... :) u'll still close to our heart, and we love u vey much, as much we love ourselves :)
2. Girls outing... :) even without nadey, things will never be the same! ( forgive ayat tamil yang cuba disampaikan disini) g karaoke-of course, ade safwan n shahir, n he sang a lot (at least more than 2) nadey, u should be proud! Hahaha. Ayam penyet sbg pelengkap rasa mlm tu... Even hujan lebat, berjaya jugak makan kat aym penyet :) dan dilayan spt puteri dayang senandung ok? Hihihi... It was real fun, n deqda, thanks for the hospitality... (Siap basuh baju umh deqda, mkn hash brown, gado pasal parking n the most best part was lift umah deqda ialah warna kesukaan awin)
3. On 10th, again, breakfast with da girls, had the most delicious, unexplained kopie satu mocha blended! Hehe. Maceh deqda blanje :) nnti ak lepak umh ko lg... Ak dh register dh umh ko kt shah alam :) hihi. And then, met safwan n shahir at stesen bas shah alam, and went home with shahir... Its not what it sounds like, he just trying to help me send the cermin besar, n sent me home too. Thank you again for the big mirror n lift back home :) i owe u once...
P.s: the perfect song for the great weekend was sentuhan kecundang (kaitan?? Is dat really matters) haha. I think i've found the owner to the next tulisan atas tapak tangan :)
Its been a time since i wrote somthing on this little paper... Bz la konon... Hehehe... Ayat budget retis gitu. Well u knw me kn, kalau x ckp ala2 gaya org glamor, x de la smpi blh built up personality cenggini kn... Haha
Wedding nadey on 8th, g hang out with da girls on 9th and a very unforgotten day on 10th....
1. Wedding nadey, oh my god, even writing up this few words, make me feel so touched (this feeling still make me feel like crying- sbb?? Entah, mungkin happy n plus we were about losing some1 that are very close to us) literally, bukan lost cm ke dunia lain, but we have to admit that her life has changed, and new commitment in da house bebeh! Anyway, i am really proud of u, congratulations on your wedding and may ur life blessed with lots of love (and kids too) InsyaAllah... :) u'll still close to our heart, and we love u vey much, as much we love ourselves :)
2. Girls outing... :) even without nadey, things will never be the same! ( forgive ayat tamil yang cuba disampaikan disini) g karaoke-of course, ade safwan n shahir, n he sang a lot (at least more than 2) nadey, u should be proud! Hahaha. Ayam penyet sbg pelengkap rasa mlm tu... Even hujan lebat, berjaya jugak makan kat aym penyet :) dan dilayan spt puteri dayang senandung ok? Hihihi... It was real fun, n deqda, thanks for the hospitality... (Siap basuh baju umh deqda, mkn hash brown, gado pasal parking n the most best part was lift umah deqda ialah warna kesukaan awin)
3. On 10th, again, breakfast with da girls, had the most delicious, unexplained kopie satu mocha blended! Hehe. Maceh deqda blanje :) nnti ak lepak umh ko lg... Ak dh register dh umh ko kt shah alam :) hihi. And then, met safwan n shahir at stesen bas shah alam, and went home with shahir... Its not what it sounds like, he just trying to help me send the cermin besar, n sent me home too. Thank you again for the big mirror n lift back home :) i owe u once...
P.s: the perfect song for the great weekend was sentuhan kecundang (kaitan?? Is dat really matters) haha. I think i've found the owner to the next tulisan atas tapak tangan :)
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