Monday, December 24, 2012

big bang time!!!

haha... this is not big bang KPOP... but this is big bang theory. and now i can be with my sheldon cooper again! hahaha.. what i love most about this series is i kept laughing almost every minute of the show. fuh, kemain ko review minah. cm mak cik ping pang pek pot. hahaha.

introduced by my officemate, the series mmg sgt mempengaruhi ak since then. membuatkan aku terpikir, adakah aku sheldon cooper version pompuan melayu sbb ak sgt mengaitkan dan merungkai theory or principle physic sehingga ke akar umbi?? (abaikan)

now, series 6, n rasa cm nk ngs ble tgk untuk setiap episod. beliau ade la suh ak tgk, sbb beliau tgh tgk (ni msg 2 mlm lepas la), dgn tenang aku jawab ak x de supply.. sbb supplier cte outstation g conference... actually, i am not malas, i just dont know how-JUJUR! haha. but now, boleh layan dh, sbb dh disedut drpd supplier berwibawa, bersama beberapa cerita yg direkomen.

cm ne la nk jd bijak bestari cm sheldon cooper... epic! (aduh, boleh tak sheldon cooper ni replace ngn org len sehingga beliau kembali normal drpd angin monsoon timur laut... haish...)

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