Sunday, November 17, 2013

Yesterday is history

yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift! SNM dh tdo rasa nya... Terima kasih Ya Allah di atas hadiah yang kau kurniakan ini. I am so grateful for what I have. It will always be the greatest gift, besides my loving family, faithful friends... discovering my soulmate being the most interesting yet adventurous journey in my life... Thank you, Allah.

He read my tiny little yellow book. happen to be, i had wrote something that was specially dedicated to him! and i did mention him as SNM as i jotted the words. i cried not because of the shyness, i cried because... he smiled at me, and his face was still in shocked+blessed+hounoured! as far I could remember, it was one of the precious moment of us, ever! i couldn't imagine more, the expression on his face and I know, i had make him a day, that day.... smile sayang, I know its from you heart!

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